live with a mental health condition
1 in 5 Americans

We're Here To Help!
Do you or someone you know need help accessing resources within the community? We understand it can be challenging to know where to find the resources you need promptly, so we wanted to bring them to one place to ease the process. Welcome to the new pastoral care and counseling webpage.
Here you will find access to resources found throughout our community. We want to give you the tools to address your needs and concerns in real-time. You can also find important updates about initiatives and programs in Indianapolis that can help meet physical, mental, and emotional needs. Please take a moment and check out the website to access opportunities for housing, food, and so much more right here at newbindy.org.
Our Mission
To provide a listening ear and help you process the challenges that may be before you. While fostering an environment, which enables healing and growth to take place within individuals and their relationships.
Groups Available For You
GRIEFSHARE: GriefShare is a grief recovery support group where you can find help and healing for the hurt of losing a loved one.
ASSIMILATION: The assimilation ministry will help people move toward full engagement into the vision, mission, and ministries of the church.
OVERCOMING MINISTRY: This ministry helps those that are struggling with substance abuse, gambling, overeating, excessive shopping, anger issues, loneliness and experiencing domestic violence. They also aid family members of those who are living with love ones that are struggling with various unacceptable behaviors.
Resources Available For You
Our resources tab houses several resource links to help you navigate through the various options availalbe that you or someone you know may need including;
Legal Services
Clothing & Food Pantries
HIV Resources
& More
Stay Tuned for Upcoming Events!!
We're here to assist you in any way that we can. If you'd like to connect with one of our support groups or if you'd like to talk with someone, please fill out the form below.